patricia Hauser

certified funnel copywriter

When I began my journey into wordsmithing, I knew I was on to something. I understood how words have power and could be used for change. So, I decided to channel my skills into helping others get their stories out.

It didn’t take long for me to see that I could assist those who struggle finding the right words for their website, funnel, blog, or bio.

It’s vastly important to show the world what skills, strengths, and passions a person possesses. This is especially critical for entrepreneurs who want to showcase themselves and/or their business.

When I write for a client my first goal is to:

✔️Connect to the people they wish to reach

✔️Clarify their purpose, the who, what and why

✔️Compel their audience to take action

When I am crystal clear with the messaging, it leaves no doubt as to direction I want to move my audience.

If you have read my LinkedIn About section, you’ll know I geek out on action- adventure movies. I enjoy the adrenaline pumping thrill of the chase. My favorites are movies that include Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, 007 – No Time To Die, or any Marvel Movie.

In the movies, they often use a lot of firepower to make a statement. I’m no different except that my weapon of choice is…Words!


Photo of the owner, Patricia Hauser
Patricia Hauser

Let Me Show You How I Can Assist You

When I channel my firepower into your copywriting needs, I become your secret weapon.

I’ll bring out the big guns and enough ammo to

🎯Activate your website with your unique and strategic message

🎯Illustrate how you are the secret agent your clients desire

🎯Motivate right-fit clients to take action

So that using my words takes you off the firing line. But you’ll still be hitting the mark with those you want to leave an impression.

My goal is to make your story both compelling and captivating. It will leave clients and prospects will be lining up to do business with you.

If you are interested, the first step is to smash the Profit With Pat complimentary call down below

This call will allow us to strategize the best way to create the explosive reaction you are looking to achieve.

My Areas of Focus


Funnel copywriting is an excellent way to get you noticed. As a funnel copywriter, I to listen to your story, take special note of what defines you, and the value you create. I use storytelling to weave in your who, what, and why. This combination shows your genuine and authentic self. It’s unbeatable at bringin in new business.

Bios & bLOGS

Bios are important in putting your best foot forward. If you begin with a strong bio, a client or employer will immediately know if you are the right fit for their company.

Blogs are an amazing way to bring traffic to your website. With a well-designed blog you can become the authority of your field and help to get eyes on your product or service.

Webinar & Video Scripts

Video and webinar scripts are the perfect way to enhance client and prospect engagement. You can literally put 1-to-2-minute videos throughout your website to increase viewer interest.

Webinar scripts can also be used to enhance any product or service. It’s a great marketing tool designed to attract visitors and bring in another stream of income.